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2017 season – numbers, awards and dates

It is only just a handful of days remaining before the 2017 season starts at Służewiec. The great ball will rise for the first time this year on 23rd April, whilst 19th November is the last racing day, traditionally also a Sunday. Compared to the last season, a race will also take place on the Saturday just before “that last Sunday”. 452 races divided into 54 meetings have been planned. 269 races for fullbloods, 163 for Arab horses and 20 for French trotters. The total pool of awards will slightly exceed 8 million PLN.

Two breaks in the races are planned. The first will last from 29th May to 9th June and is related to the WTWK Orange Warsaw Festiwal event taking place at the racecourse (3rd-4th June). The traditional, summer break has been postpone a week compared to previous years. This time the second weekend of July (8th-9th) will see Służewiec hosting a two-day racing event, whilst no races will take place between 10th and 28th July.

The end of the race for the Totalizator Sportowy Chairman Award in 2016 Va Bank took the 11th win in a row in this race

The pools of award in group races did not change, there are also no changes to the main extra-group races. The most important meetings of the season – the Derby Gala and the Great Autumn Gala, are planned for 2nd July and 24th September, respectively. The programme of the first event includes, i.e.: Derby (175,000 PLN), Totalizator Sportowy Chairman Award (94,500 PN) and Fryderyk Jurjewicz Memorial (52,500 PLN). The first seasonal Trial Award race for two year old horses is also planned on the same day. The Great Autumn Gala, in addition to the most prestigious race in Poland – The Great Warsaw Race (220,500 PLN), will see the mile-long Moszna Award race (52,500 PLN) and the main race for two year old horses, for the Award of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (57,750 PLN).

Traditional race will take place during the opening of the season: Tomasza Dul Memorial (3 yo. fullbloods), Dandolo Award (4 yo. and older fullbloods) and Skowronek Award (4 yo. and older Arab horses), and the first extra-group race, the Strzegom Award, is planned for 30th April.

The beginning of the third part of May will see the classical races of the Spring Award (20.05) and Ruler Award (21.05) hosting the top notch three year old horses, and the biggest pre-Derby distance test (Iwna Award) will take place on 11th June. Solina Award will be hosted a day earlier (mares only).

Other important day of fullblood competition:
30.07 – Oaks, Kozienic
27.08 – St. Leger
15.10 – Criterium
22.10 – Mokotowska

One of the excellent wins by Alladyn

The Ofir Award (11.06) will be the first highest category (A) race in competition of Arab horses this season.. The Janów Award race will take place not in June this time, but on 9th July, exactly three weeks before the Derby for fullbloods (112,000 PLN). Both these races are intended only for four year old horses entered into the Polish Stable Book of Arab Fullbloods (PASB), similar to Oaks (17.09).

The early third part of August (20.08) will see the traditional and very prestigious Arab Day, the main event of which is the Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan race – Europe Award (G3 PA, 148,750 PLN), sponsored by a sheik from Abu Dhabi. Additional exciting competitions should include the international Al Khalediah Poland Cup and Białki races. The Comparative Award (29.10) is the main extra-group category A race for Arab horses.

The Pierrot Award (cat. A, 30th September), which took place as a competition of 3-years old and older exterrier Arab horses, will see a significant change this year. This time, it will be an open race for 3-years old and older Arab horses.

The three year old horses will take place not only in open races, but also in the national competition (PASB) in 19 races, and in the exterrier category – 20. Additionally, 7 races for 4-years old and older Arab horses meeting the exterrier criteria are planned. Other races, in addition to those already mentioned: Janowa, Derby and Oaks are open races.


Szanowny Użytkowniku,

zgodnie z art. 13 ust. 1 i ust. 2 Ogólnego Rozporządzenia o ochronie danych osobowych z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. chcielibyśmy poinformować Cię o sposobach oraz zasadach przetwarzania Twoich danych osobowych na stronach naszego serwisu.

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